AGE:  Fortysomething

PROFESSION:  Human Resources

BACKGROUND:  I am down from a size 14 to a size 6 and have lost over 45 pounds (30 pounds since doing Sonki Fitness). I started to lose weight but was at a plateau and was not able to lose any more weight until I started incorporating Sonki Fitness into my life. I have a new outlook on how I live my life and what I do to my body, mind and spirit to keep it all balanced and healthy.

How long have you been working out?  I was athletic in high school, but as an adult I found myself dreading the gym work out scene. Now, working out is part of my weekly routine to keep my body toned and muscles moving.

What is your current exercise routine?  Besides doing Sonki Fitness, my daily work out includes stretching to stay flexible, running, walking, abs, upper and lower body. My dog also keeps me in shape and active. Instead of driving, I walk a great deal in my neighborhood. Most weekends you will find me at the beach body surfing and boogie boarding – something to keep me active.

What is your motivation to stay in shape?  I leave the word “try” out of my exercise vocabulary and focus on “can” and “will”. When I am challenged or have a goal, I take it seriously and make that commitment to myself and others to go out and just do it. This year I was challenged by my mother and sister to get in shape and lose weight before I went with my mother to visit family in Japan. I also set a goal for myself to stop lying on my driver’s license by losing the weight that is showing on my license, which is what I weighed in college. I have accomplished these goals (and more) before I traveled to Japan and with the help of Sonki Fitness I am healthier, stronger, leaner, happier and have more self confidence.

What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape?  Being tired and overextending myself with personal and volunteer activities, and of course food – yummm…I love to eat.

What is your key to success?  “Get back up the horse” is the line I always use when I fall down and get disappointed when I failed. I am staying focused, motivated and determined to dedicate my life to a leaner, stronger and happier lifestyle. I look at it this way – if I don’t do it now I may never have the energy or chance again.

How long have you been doing Sonki Fitness Boot Camp?  I did not know what I was getting into when I “won” Sonki Fitness Boot Camp session at a silent auction and joined the summer of 2006. I have since been attending pretty much non-stop.

What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life?  The staff has a positive, fun and thoughtful attitude. The activities are outside, not the same routine and you go at your own pace.

What advice would you give to others about fitness?  Just make that first step and commit yourself to do it. Everyone can do it. This is an investment in your future. Trust me, YOU will look and feel better; physically, mentally and spiritually.

Any other comments?  I have to buy new clothes, but I am enjoying wearing new, fun, sexy but stylish clothes. This has changed my life.