MiaAGE:  39

PROFESSION: Nurse Practitioner with liver transplant


COLLEGE:  Cal State Bakersfield (undergrad), UCLA (grad)

FAVORITE FOOD: Warm chocolate cookies



FAVORITE MOVIE:  Pitch Perfect


HOBBIES:  Baking

BACKGROUND: For many years, I have struggled with my weight. After having 2 kids and working a stressful job, my weight started to become even a bigger issue. I felt I needed to make some changes after I experienced shortness of breath with just simple activities with my kids. I knew I needed to be more active and experience activities with my kids and family without feeling like I could not keep up. Before I started Sonki Fitness, I thought all I needed to do is change my diet but I did not see the results I wanted and quickly felt defeated. So I joined Sonki Fitness and saw a dramatic change in my results. I have lost 6 dress sizes since starting Sonki Fitness and have been able to keep the weight off. I feel physically and mentally much stronger. 

What is your current exercise routine?  Sonki Fitness on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. Playing a sport with kids at least 2 times a week.

What is your motivation to stay in shape?  My family.

What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape?  Finding quick satisfying meals in a short period of time.

What is your key to success?  Having the support and encouragement from friends and family.

What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life?  Sonki has changed my perspective on exercise and has given me the motivation I needed. He has shown me that exercise can be fun and therapeutic for coping with the stresses of work and life.

What advice would you give to others about fitness?  Stay optimistic and surround yourself with supportive people.