AGE:  38

PROFESSION:  Director of Public Relations & Communications

HOMETOWN:  San Marino, CA

COLLEGE:  University of Puget Sound

BACKGROUND:  I’ve been a runner my entire life but have never been able to fully commit to going to the gym on a regular basis. After developing a stress fracture in my foot while training for my first marathon in 2007, I needed a new cross-training outlet to get some exercise that didn’t involve running all the time. A good friend convinced me to try the Sonki Fitness program, and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s now a huge part of my life!

What is your current exercise routine?  I think I’ve been a regular at most of the Sonki Fitness classes on the Westside at one point in time or another, but these days I go to Playa Vista in the mornings and/or evenings during the week and the Santa Monica class on Saturdays. I also usually go for a long run (6+ miles) and a hike on the weekends.

What is your motivation to stay in shape?  My friends know that I love a good challenge, and I still thrive off of trying to beat my scores from previous sessions. I’m on a quest to run a six minute mile (just nine seconds to go) and just accomplished my goal of running a half-marathon in less than two hours (I completed the San Francisco Half in 1:53). All that said, my primary motivation for staying in shape is to just enjoy everything that life has to offer. Being in great shape just feels right – both physically and mentally.

What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape?  As a reformed junk food eater, my biggest challenge is trying to eat healthy on a consistent basis (especially when traveling for work).

What is your key to success?  My keys to success are pretty simple. They include maintaining a positive attitude, always giving 100 percent effort and pushing myself by squeezing in the occasional double or triple Sonki Fitness class when time allows.

What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life?  While the physical benefits I’ve received from the program are fantastic, the great friends
I’ve made over the past year and a half are what make it all worthwhile. Whether in class, on Hawaii Fitness Vacation or just hanging out socially, I really value the fantastic people I’ve met on this journey and know we’ll be close for many years to come.

What advice would you give to others about fitness?  No matter what your fitness level is, make the effort to do something every day and truly push yourself to get the most out of life.

Any other comments?   Just to say thanks to Katie, Kristin, Julian and Sonki for creating such a friendly, motivational and inspirational environment. The program has truly had a positive impact on many aspects of my life, and I appreciate everything that I’ve gained from being involved.